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Where I Come From


I was raised in a small town in West Central Ohio. My earliest memories are of the daily trip to my grandparents’ home after school, walking through the Tin Shop attached to their house and trading jokes with the workers. Once I was old enough, I joined the business myself, Wyen & Sons, just like my uncles, grandfather, and great-grandfather before me. Wyen & Sons work; roofing barns, factories, churches, and sheet metal fabrication wasn’t easy, but it was a crucible that helped define me as a person, a worker, and a leader. It instilled in me the satisfaction of creation, the pride that comes with a job well done, and the importance of exceeding expectations. It also helped create my deep respect for hard work, my regard for common sense solutions, and my understanding of the responsibilities that come with running a business and leading a crew. 


My father was a large influence in my life as well. He worked his way up at The Minster Machine Company from an entry-level position to the role of superintendent overseeing 800 men. He instilled in me a belief that true leaders find the right balance that gets the best out of their team and does the best for the individual team members to grow. 


Another important life lesson from my father was the belief that leadership was a calling based on service. In his eyes, the ultimate measure of a leader was the way his team developed under his guidance. 



“You can’t

lift someone 

up if you’re standing

over them,”


was the way he put it. This is why I go out of my way to work alongside my team. I know that’s the only way to discover exactly what they need to flourish, and exactly what I can do to give their talent the push it needs to develop or the spotlight it deserves to be recognized. 


This investment in individual growth pays out in many ways. Over the years, my teams have produced amazing work, and have enjoyed consistently low turnover rates in an industry noted for short term job jumping. My teams thrived in an environment of open communication and personal recognition. I take great pride in seeing them function as a mutually supportive group focused on the greater good while making sure they get the attention they deserve for their own achievements. 


I have made several stops along my career, each adding new capabilities and strengthening my business acumen building my craft and my ability to guide others. The list of brands I have had the opportunity to direct is long, and I’m proud of that. But I take even greater pride in the personal interactions I’ve had along the way that have helped me learn, elevate the downfallen, and create new life. 

I am a dedicated craftsman who is passionate about hard work and building to last. This may make me a bit of an outlier in a short-term, short-attention-span world, but I know that instant gratification is fleeting. For me, the true prize at the end of the day is about service. Have I made a difference in the abilities of the team? Have I raised the perception of the people using our products? Is the company now able to sustain growth because it's brands and team is stronger?

If the answers are yes, then job well done.


Fundamentally, my goal is to craft the best solution, serve the brand, and promote lasting growth.

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